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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Some bad myths about food

It is very important to take care of your diet because if we eat better then we will be able to live a better life, but with the passage of time, many things related to diet came to light which people believed in with their eyes closed.

For example, people with diabetes can consume sugar-free sweets or beverages, or sugar-free or diet drinks are extremely harmful to health.

Some myths about food

Here are some myths about foods that people have been relying on for a long time, but they are not true.

Anything wrong after 6 p.m.

Some misconceptions about food

How many times do we hear that we should not eat anything after 6 pm, because it causes weight gain, but in fact there is no truth in it, it is just an illusion, our body does not know that What is happening at the moment? However, it is forbidden to eat a full meal at night because food is digested late at bedtime. However, it is not good to sleep without eating anything.

Fat food makes you fatty

Some misconceptions about food

Fat free food, these words are listed on many items that people who want to lose weight buy, but did you know that fat is very important for our good health, because our body has many vitamins. Can't use unless the fats help them.

Frozen vegetables are not as effective as fresh vegetables

Some misconceptions about food

The general idea is that frozen vegetables are not as good as fresh vegetables, which may be one of the main reasons why they are fresh, but the best way is to buy a vegetable frozen when it is not in season and when it is in season. Better fresh.

It is necessary to drink 8 glasses of water a day

Some misconceptions about food

It is very important to protect the body from dehydration, but it is not necessary to drink 8 glasses of water a day, because the body gets water from other things like tea, fruits and vegetables, but it is very important to drink water. But 8 glasses is not necessary for everyone, it is very important to keep them safe from dehydration.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Health benefits of Turmeric that are wonderful

Health benefits of Turmeric

Every culture has its own spices and herbs that are no less nutritious than any powerhouse, one of which is turmeric. Turmeric is commonly used throughout with many health benefits.It not only improves the color and taste of food but is also a disinfectant as well as a strong antioxidant spice.

Health benefits of Turmeric

The benefits will surely amaze you.

Liver cleansing

The food we eat in general, especially today, is often exposed to chemicals, pesticides and other contaminants and its toxic effects accumulate in the body system, including the liver and kidneys, which can lead to various diseases. However, the use of turmeric eliminates these effects and cleanses the liver, and keeps it healthy.

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Shine bright

Turmeric is excellent for cleansing dead skin cells and helps to give the skin a youthful glow. Mix turmeric in milk or yogurt and mix well and apply on the face or any part of the body. Leave it to dry and rinse with lukewarm water, while also gently massaging the face.

Infection protection

Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and antiseptic spice that prevents various infections such as E. coli (which causes severe infections, stomach pain, cholera, and other problems).

Weight loss

This spice can definitely benefit the dieting effort. One study found that the use of turmeric reduced the growth of adipose tissue in mice, leading to weight loss. Excessive consumption of turmeric in food prevents inflammation which leads to obesity and also speeds up the dissolution of fats.

Possibility to reduce joint pain

The polyphenols in turmeric are an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties. Various medical research reports have shown that turmeric has the ability to reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling. People suffering from arthritis can get relief by using turmeric powder capsules on the advice of a doctor.

Make the mood pleasant

As mentioned above, turmeric is useful against physical inflammation and this inflammation also plays an important role in depression. A few years ago, a study revealed that when people with menstrual cramps were given 500 mg of turmeric a day for eight weeks, it had a pleasant effect on their mood. A recent study found that turmeric is a very effective spice in reducing the symptoms of depression.

Control blood sugar

One study found that the use of turmeric helps lower and control blood glucose or blood sugar levels, especially in people with type 2 diabetes, whose blood sugar levels remain stable, putting them at risk for other complications of diabetes. Also rare, such as kidney disease or damage to the nervous system. Similarly, this spice can prevent diabetes, but in this regard, scientists have stressed the need for more research.

Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's

A study from the University of California found that the use of turmeric may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease by improving memory and mood in middle age. According to research, the yellow compound found in turmeric or curcumin has the potential to reduce brain inflammation, which can lead to diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and depression. Marie Antoinette syndrome is caused by severe stress.

Increase your chances of avoiding cancer

Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory spice and according to an animal study, controlling inflammation can slow down the growth of cancer but can also prevent cancer and, yes, make chemotherapy more effective.

Reduce the risk of coronary heart disease

Diseases of the blood vessels such as heart attack and stroke are the leading causes of death worldwide, one of the few major causes of heart disease is inflammation and turmeric is an anti-inflammatory spice. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, this spice can protect against arterial diseases which reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease.

Cleanses nail pimples and inflammation

The use of turmeric not only prevents nail pimples but also applying it on the face often helps to remove acne scars and swelling.

Useful against scratches and burns

Since turmeric has natural antiseptic properties and is useful for scratches, wounds and burns, etc., it acts as an ointment.

Preventing aging

Turmeric is an antioxidant spice that prevents the growth of harmful substances in the body and prevents the degeneration of aging by damaging the cells. It also helps in the growth of new cells, which helps to offset the effects of aging to some extent.

Reduce unwanted facial hair

It is very important for women and turmeric helps prevent unnecessary facial hair growth. For this purpose, mix 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric in a teaspoon of the basin and add water to make a paste. Leave it on the face for 15 minutes and then wash off. If this tip is normalized, a significant difference can be seen within a month.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Never keep these things in fridge

Never keep these things in fridge

Items that are useless to keep in the fridge(never keep them in fridge)

As the technology evolved, so did many inventions. Man-made things for his own convenience that would make it easier for him. The refrigerator is an example of this. It has become a norm in our country that everything is stuffed in the fridge. In fact, women have become so used to the fridge that they consider it reliable for everything from baby syrup to their jewelry. The refrigerator is not only a suitable place for everything, especially for groceries, but in some cases it also causes damage.


List of the things which should not be the fridge

Of course, the refrigerator is a useful thing to use, but the refrigerator is not necessarily the best place for everything. Some people's habit of eating refrigerated food and stored food leads to hospital beds, the best way to avoid this is to use fresh food. Especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables, use them. The best way is to stay fresh. In the present article, we are going to give you information about the items that are useless to keep in the fridge.

1. Potatoes:

 Hardly anyone dislikes delicious chips and potatoes that add flavor to every vegetable. Potatoes are one of the few vegetables that are found in all seasons. Potatoes contain starch, which is a great source of energy for the body. It contains fiber, calcium, iron and vitamins. The temperature prevents the starch in the potatoes from turning into sugar, which can change the natural taste of the potatoes. Sunlight can damage potatoes, so they should be stored in a relatively cool, dark place without washing. If possible, keep them in a sack or paper bag from which they can be used as needed.

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2. Coffee:

 Coffee has the ability to absorb the aroma of surrounding objects while refrigerating it creates moisture and odor. On the other hand, repeatedly opening the refrigerator door keeps raising and lowering its temperature, which creates moisture in the coffee. Therefore, the best way is to keep the coffee in an airtight jar (a jar that does not allow air to enter) at room temperature.

3. Onions: 

Onions, which are a staple in meals and salads, are full of nutrients. It also contains traces that require dark and cold temperatures to be useful for long periods of time. Now, this may have immediately come to your mind the idea of ​​a refrigerator, but doing so creates moisture in the onion which makes it skin deteriorates. That is why onions should be kept in a dark ventilated place. Remember to keep both onions and potatoes together as onions release gas and moisture which can spoil the potatoes.

4. Honey:

 If honey is used in your home as a special gift of nature, then your family is lucky. But keep in mind that honey should always be kept at room temperature, the best choice in this regard may be the closet, because keeping it in the refrigerator freezes the water in the honey, which can be spread on double bread or with anything. Difficult to use.

5. Garlic:

 Garlic is a vegetable, but it is used as a spice in food. It pleases everyone because of its delicious aroma and unique taste, but why not keep it in the fridge? This is because the natural moisture found in garlic when stored in the refrigerator causes it to rot. It is best to keep garlic in an open, cool and dark place, as this will not only prevent the garlic from spoiling but will also allow you to use it for longer. Separating garlic lice can also be a problem.

6. Hot Sauce:

 If you are taking extra space by keeping hot sauce in your fridge, do not do so because hot sauce already contains vinegar which prevents it from spoiling and bacteria from growing inside it. Keeping it in the fridge also affects the sharpness of the chili in the hot sauce, which certainly does not taste good to the eater.

7. Watermelon:

By keeping chopped watermelon in your fridge, you are not only taking up space in your fridge but also oppressing the delicate girls of your fridge. You can keep this fruit at room temperature, but even when you cut it. Cover and refrigerate.

8. Double bread:

 Double bread used in children's favorite jam slices for breakfast is something that is usually used within two days. In that case, keeping double bread in the fridge is foolish. Keeping double bread in the fridge makes it taste bad where it is hard. The best way is to keep the double bread sealed at room temperature, and if you want to store the double bread for more than two weeks, keep it in the freezer by frying or roasting the frozen double bread. Can be used

9. Dried Fruits:

 Dried fruits are rich in antioxidants fiber and are full of good taste and nutrition. Some people keep them in the fridge and think that dried fruits are safer now but the reality is the opposite. The temperature of the fridge creates moisture in things and this is exactly what happens with dried fruits. Dry for the best way to store wits is to keep them in a dry airtight jar and the best place to do that is in your kitchen closet. According to one study, dried fruits can be used for up to six months if not stored properly.

10 Soy Sauce:

 Soy sauce used in Chinese and continental foods gives a more spicy flavor. You may have read on the label above the soy sauce you buy from the market to keep it in the refrigerator, but if you go to big restaurants, its bottles are lying on the table all day. You may be surprised to know this, but this is the truth. The high salt content in soy sauce protects against spoilage and can last up to six months at room temperature.

11. Peaches:

 Never rush to keep fresh peaches in the fridge, as raw peaches need a normal temperature to ripen, while freezing in the fridge keeps them raw and increases the risk of spoilage. ۔ Always keep peaches in a basket on your kitchen counter. If they like cold food, refrigerate it shortly before eating.

12 Olive oil:

 Refrigerating the oil not only freezes it but also affects its color. The oil should always be kept at room temperature so that it retains its color and essence. Keeping olive oil in the closet is a little better than putting it on your kitchen shelf. Because there it is darker and cooler.

13 Cucumbers: 

Cucumbers used in salads have a unique identity due to their open color and taste. And diet enthusiasts are passionate about cucumbers. Keeping cucumbers in the fridge is a big mistake because doing so loosens them and releases water and also makes them rough. It is better to put cucumbers in a vegetable basket.

14. Capsicum:

 Capsicum loses its freshness if kept in the fridge and no one likes to eat loose and tasteless capsicum, so it is important to keep it away from the refrigerator in order to retain its natural flavor. ۔

15 Pickles:

 It takes four months for a feast to have a pickle on it. The aroma of pickles makes the heart happy and satisfies the eater. But did you know that pickles don't go bad unless you use a dirty spoon? Yes! The preservatives in pickles prevent it from spoiling, even if kept at room temperature. So you can only try to fill the space by keeping the pickles in the fridge. Do not use pickles when they are overdue. Close the bottle or jar lid tightly. Close the bottle or jar lid tightly so that air does not enter and damage it.

16. Chocolate:

 The refrigerator is the worst place to keep chocolate because its temperature not only changes its hardness, color but also its taste. Absorbs them, so it's best to keep them away from smelly things, and if you want to do that, keep them in an airtight jar.

17. Eggplant:

 Have you heard of any other eggplant dish or not? You must have heard about eggplant stuffing. The best way to use eggplant is to use it fresh as soon as possible and keep it in your kitchen. Refrigeration is harmful because it deprives the eggplant of its natural flavor. Which destroys the pleasure of food.

18. Eggs:

 You may be surprised to see eggs mentioned here, but the fact is that keeping eggs at normal room temperature is very useful. If we talk about the United States or other western countries, eggs are forced to be refrigerated there because they contain germs. To clean them, they are put in a solution that produces bacteria when they are kept at room temperature, but since we have different conditions, there is no need to store eggs in the fridge because their shell is the only one. He is their best protector.

19 Butter:

 Refrigerated butter is a difficult thing to use. Bringing in a day or two is a difficult task. It can even be covered in a dish for use in a day or two. So you don't have to heat it to spread it. But summer routines are a little different. If you want to store butter for a longer period of time, refrigeration will not be the wrong choice.

20 Raw mangoes:

 Raw mangoes require a moderate temperature to ripen, but keeping them in the refrigerator slows down the process. Once the mangoes are cooked, they can be refrigerated, but it would not be appropriate to do so before then.

21. Cake: 

Be it a tea party, a birthday party or any other feast, it is enhanced by the cake. People usually put the cake in the fridge, but that's not the right thing to do. While the moisture in the fridge spoils the cake, the boss of other things in the fridge settles in it. Keep the cake in an airtight container at room temperature to keep it fresh. Doing so can save up to three to seven days. But in this case, when there is cream or ice cream on top of the cake, it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator.

22 Bananas:

 Nails require a temperature of 59-68 F to ripen and this process is furThe skin of bananas usually turns black and the temperature of the refrigerator damages the cell wall of the fruit, which spoils the banana. It is advisable to keep the nails in a fruit basket in a well ventilated place.

23. Dried Spices: 

The refrigerator is the biggest enemy of dry spices because keeping them in it creates moisture inside the spices. If you want to preserve your dried spices for more than a year, you can use them. Keep the kitchen in a dry, dark place at normal temperatures. Don't overheat. So that their taste and volume are not affected.

24. Jam: 

Fruit jam is usually used with bread. The bottle you get from Jam Bazaar is made in a special style that is sealed on the inside, the purpose of which is to prevent air from entering it. The jam in the same bottle can be used at room temperature for up to two years. It is useless to keep it in the fridge. However, you can find more information by reading the jam label each time.

25. Ketchup: 

There is a lot of discussion at home about whether ketchup should be kept in the fridge or in the closet, but one thing is clear that years ago, when there was no refrigerator, people used to use ketchup in bottles. Were But he was not bad. In fact, the presence of vinegar, sugar and salt in ketchup proves that it does not spoil even at room temperature.

26. Nutella / Painted Butter

Known in the market as a superfood refrigerator, it becomes hard and heavy, so spreading it on toast is like bringing a gambling lion. By refrigerating it, the peanut oil in it separates and hardens the rest. Even when taken out and used, both do not return to their original state. This not only wastes your energy but also your money. The best way is to keep it at room temperature for 6 to 9 months.

27. Tomato

Tomato is a fruit, but in our country it is known and used as a vegetable. Refrigeration affects the membranes inside the tomatoes, causing the tomatoes to loosen and release water. In fact, their taste is bad. The best place to store tomatoes is your kitchen counter. If you want to store tomatoes for more days, roast them and freeze them.

Friday, October 23, 2020

What effect does canned milk have on children's health?

Effect of canned milk on children's health

Effect of canned milk on children's health

The main and biggest reason for babies getting sick is the fact that mothers are not breastfeeding their babies at the moment.

Most of the canned milk fed to the baby from the feeder is causing illness instead of health for the baby. The second major reason is that we do not have clean water. Clean and transparent water is a basic need of human life, its importance for children increases. Lack of proper hygiene and cleanliness of children in the home is also causing diseases in children.

Breast milk is considered the baby's basic and essential food. Breast milk is considered a complete food and the best means of protection and rehabilitation from diseases. This is because breast milk is rich in all the nutrients that the human body may need. There is no better food for the human body than mother's milk. Although buffalo, cow's and goat's milk contain the required nutrients, breast milk is the best in terms of proportion and balance.

That is why, according to medical experts, people who are breastfed during infancy throughout their childhood have a stronger immune system against diseases. For this, it is necessary for the mother to breastfeed the newborn baby. It is also the right of the baby to breastfeed the baby for at least 6 consecutive months.

Similarly, if it is compulsory to breastfeed from a feeder, then after feeding the feeder by boiling it in water, the baby should be given milk. Dry and canned milk also adversely affects the baby's metabolism.

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In the light of modern medical research, facts have come to light that breast milk not only contains the required nutrients but also contains useful antibodies that can help the baby to fight off diseases such as bacteria, viruses and germs. It also protects against the dangers of tetanus, whooping cough, pneumonia, diphtheria, typhoid, dysentery, flu, polio and gastroenteritis.

Today's mothers refuse to breastfeed their children in the cycle of smartness, ignoring the real requirements and responsibilities of motherhood and handing over their rabbits to diseases. The nutrients found in milk include starch, fat, protein, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, riboflavin, vitamin B12, vitamin C and vitamin D as the newborns are soft and delicate. Their digestive system is weak. In this way, nature provided soft food for the children, ie milk (mother's milk) and also stopped the growth and development of the human race.

Daily intake of milk as a balanced diet provides essential nutrients to the baby. The baby needs daily amount of calcium for the development of the body and breast milk fulfills this need. Remember that calcium helps build and strengthen bones. It plays a key role in nerve function, muscle building and blood clotting.

Similarly, the body of a newborn needs the amount of iodine that milk provides. Dairy products provide iodine as a means of protecting the esophagus. Doses vary. An average dose is up to 50 mg.

A certain amount of vitamin D is also included in the daily needs of the human body. Vitamin D, along with calcium, plays an important role in building bone structure. This need of the body is easily met by the use of milk. The required amount of riboflavin can be obtained from milk. Riboflavin plays an important role in energy extraction. The normal body also needs a certain amount of phosphorus daily. It is considered essential for strengthening bones and providing energy.

Proper use of milk can get the required amount of phosphorus. A healthy baby also needs vitamin B, which is considered an essential element for red blood cells. Breast milk fulfills this need of the baby, just as protein is an essential need of our human body. The baby needs a certain amount of it daily. Protein is an essential ingredient for the body's muscle and tissue development, so milk is the best source of high quality milk that is rich in all kinds of essential amino acids or protein acidic substances.

Potassium is also essential for the human body. It is of vital importance to the digestive balance, hypertension and muscle building. We can get the required amount from milk. Not consuming pure milk can lead to many diseases. The lack of minerals in milk (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, riboflavin, etc.) can be harmful to bones, muscles, intestines and spleen. Problems can arise and cause mental and physical confusion to children.

The standard fat content in milk is considered to be up to 3.5% but in different countries of the world the amount of fat in milk is used differently. In developed countries, the practice of drinking milk that is completely pure from one percent or fat is gaining momentum. Milk contains more than 10 nutrients, minerals, vitamins, proteins, starches and fats. These ingredients are considered essential for a healthy body and protect us from various diseases.

It is important to know the differences between human and animal milk in order to know the benefits of milk. The difference between the nutrients found in human and animal milk is as follows:

Nutrients per 100 grams 

Ingredients; human milk; animal milk

Protein… 1.2 grams… 4 grams

Fat… 4 grams… 3.5 grams

Carbohydrates… 9 grams… 4.9 grams

Calcium; 33 grams; 118 grams

Phosphorus; 18 grams; 97 grams

Sodium; 16 grams; 50 grams

By being aware of the differences between human and animal milk, we can choose the best food for our babies.

Children should always be given boiled and clear water. The baby should start eating solid food from the sixth month. All seasonal fruits especially bananas, boiled potatoes and other soft nutrients should be started. The most important thing when it comes to protecting children is to get vaccinated in a timely manner. Keep the baby's environment clean and airy. The environment and weather must affect children as well as adults.

The baby's environment starts from the mother's lap and the weather effects are also shaped by the mother's style of care. For better health of the baby, the house must be open and airy. Children's health must be shared by the family. system) affects a lot. Living in the same house and in the same room with many people has a very bad effect on the health of the newborn. Because the baby's immune system is weakened, the baby is more susceptible to breathing, which can lead to later illness. remember ! Family love has its place but different families should live in separate open and airy houses.

Clothing, food, and climate for the child are appropriate to protect the child from disease. In winter, bathing in warm water at appropriate times, wearing warm clothing, feeding energy-rich foods, and the severity of the cold. It is the first responsibility of the parents to protect them. Most of the children who come to the doctors fall ill due to the effects of the weather due to the negligence of the parents.

However, with a little attention, children and parents can avoid trouble. Thus, we can say that by feeding the baby the right amount of breast milk daily, not only can he keep his body healthy and strong, but also from countless diseases. But keep in mind that if the baby is not getting breast milk for some reason or is not able to digest it, then we can take better care of the baby only by feeding him pure animal milk.

Our dairy companies, due to their strong marketing, have frightened the general consumer with animal milk (goat, cow, buffalo) by threatening them with virus, bacterial and bacterial contamination. The market is rife with artificial milk and advertisements on TV and in newspapers are allegedly used in the name of milk to inform the public about arrowroot powder, sangha flour, paper pulp, foaming chemicals, surf, baking soda, urea fertilizer. And don't know what's going on.

Not only this, the cowherds who sell fresh milk are also fulfilling their responsibilities in this regard by allegedly mixing dirty pool water, rice flour, gachi (a special type of soil that is added to milk to thicken it) in milk. They are equal partners in human genocide. Contamination of milk is also a major cause of increase in gastrointestinal and intestinal diseases as the ingredients mentioned in milk allegedly affect the intestines.

Artificial and unnatural milk can neither meet the physical needs nor protect children from diseases. Babies are our future and their health is the greatest blessing in the world, a blessing that cannot be bought at any price, so appreciate it by using pure and unadulterated milk Enjoy your health. Mothers should breastfeed their children and be credited with laying the foundation for the strength of future generations.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

8 Amazing health benefits of marriage

health benefits of marriage

Best health benefits of marriage

Its snoring may force you to hold your head or unwanted habits drive you to the brink of insanity. But your spouse can also save your life on a daily basis.

According to a new study, middle-aged married people are more physically fit, stronger grip and faster than their unmarried peers.

The study, from University College London, surveyed more than 20,000 people in the United States and England and found that married people move faster than divorced people. While divorced women have a weaker grip.

Experts believe that the stress of divorce also has an effect on physical health.

This is not the first time that scientists have linked marriage to good health. Earlier, a study found that married people with cancer were more likely to avoid the disease than unmarried people.

The University of California study found that married people have better social support, which is the key to protecting them from this deadly disease.

But do you know the following secret Health benefits of marriage?

Reduces the risk of heart attack

The first and amazing health benefit of marriage is there will be a minimum chance of getting heart attack. Getting married reduces the risk of a heart attack in both men and women. The claim was made in a medical study in Finland. According to research, the risk of heart attack is reduced by 65% ​​in married women and 66% in men. The study, from the University of Turquoise in Finland, found that marriage reduced the risk of death from blood vessel problems in men and women of all ages. And that this led to married people living healthier lives, more friends, and Have to get social support.

Take more care of your safety

Another health benefit of marriage is that Married couples are less likely to engage in hazardous activities such as driving fatally or abstaining from harmful substances (drug use). According to a study by Ohio State University, when people get married, there is a significant reduction in the tendency for dangerous actions within them. And this is probably due to the realization of those who are dependent on them (wife, husband and children). And that is why they take special care of their safety.

The chances of stroke are low

According to a study published in the journal American Stroke Association, married men have a 64% lower risk of fatal stroke than single men. Research has also shown that a good relationship with your spouse affects your chances of surviving a stroke. Meaning that if you are unhappy with your marriage, there is no significant reduction in your risk of stroke.

According to researchers, this may be due to the fact that married people have more access to immediate medical help in the event of a stroke than unmarried people. Because the longer they receive medical help after a stroke, the greater the risk of death.

Decreased stress levels

According to a University of Chicago study, getting married significantly reduces the risk of stress or frustration.

According to research, long-term relationship changes the hormones that cause stress. According to researchers, although life after marriage is full of stress. But it is much easier for married people to overcome other problems in their lives.

More likely to survive after operations

A good partner is helpful in recovering after major surgery such as heart bypass. According to a University of Rochester study, happy couples are three times more likely to survive 15 years after major surgery than single people. According to researchers, a good relationship helps people stay healthy, but this only happens when the couple is satisfied with each other.

Protection against mental illness

Married men and women have a lower risk of many mental illnesses. According to an American study, the rate of depression is lower in married couples and the risk of developing other psychological disorders is significantly lower than in single people or divorced people.

Better sleep

If the relationship with your spouse is pleasant, your sleep is also much better than that of unsatisfied couples or single people. According to a University of Pittsburgh study, if the relationship is happy after marriage, people's sleep quality improves.But unhappy couples are more likely to be affected by sleep. And if sleep is not enough, irritability and other diseases, including obesity. The risk increases.

Long life

The greatest benefit of marriage is longevity. Various research reports have suggested that couples may live longer after marriage. A study of 5,000 people by Duke University found that whether people get married at a young age affects health risks. According to researchers, unmarried people are twice as likely to die early.

What is the best age for marriage?

It is said that those who eat the wedding fight will regret it. And those who do not will regret it, but what is the best age for this lifelong relationship?

So now scientists have tried to give the answer in research.

Researchers at the University of Utah have tried to determine the age at which marriage is best for a couple and the relationship lasts longer.

The study looked at the habit of breaking up thousands of marriages. And found that 28 to 32 years is the best age when a marriage can help to make the relationship last longer.

During the study, researchers analyzed data from the 2006 National Survey on Family Affairs in the United States, which found the age range between 28 and 32 to be ideal for marriage.Researchers believe that early marriage increases the risk of a relationship breaking down, while a lifetime relationship in middle age is also at risk.

By the way, regardless of this research, marriage has many effects on human health.

According to a study released yesterday, wife obesity increases the risk of type 2 diabetes in husbands.

However, a good relationship between the couple can also help protect them from mental health, heart disease and many other life-threatening illnesses.

Is marriage good for mental health?

Unmarried people have a much higher risk of mental retardation or dementia.

This was revealed in a medical study in Sweden.Research has shown that distance from marriage can increase risks to mental health.

The study, compiled from the medical data of 2.2 million people, found that divorced single people had twice the risk of dementia, traumatic death or single people.

The study looked at people between the ages of 50 and 74, and not all of them had dementia when the study began.

The study found that 32,000 people had a mental illness in 10 years. And found that single people had a higher risk of developing the disease than married people.Researchers say that there is no difference between men and women in this regard and both face the same risk.

According to researchers, the results show that being alone can sooner or later lead to dementia.

He said that if a person lives with his spouse, he feels less lonely. And also gets social support which reduces the negative mental effects like depression and fear.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Natural ways to prevent Inflammation of the Prostate Gland

Natural ways to prevent Inflammation of the Prostate Gland

Best natural ways to prevent Inflammation of the Prostate Gland

Human life is generally divided into three major periods, childhood, adolescence and old age. Physical problems, nutritional needs and routines differ in these periods, while diseases also vary. Yes, a fact that cannot be denied from a medical point of view that childhood and old age have one thing in common is weakness. In childhood, the child's immune system is weakened. Even in old age, the body's immune system is weakened due to poor functioning of the body's organs.

One obvious difference between the lives of children and the elderly is that the parents give the child the utmost attention, protection and love, while the elderly are often more prone to illness due to neglect and neglect of their children. Elderly health requires the same attention, protection and better care as children. Aging in itself is a major disease, and when left untreated, other aging-related disorders can exacerbate it. Thus, in old age, a number of diseases are very aggressive, including physical weakness, muscle and nervous weakness, visual and hearing impairment, heart and kidney diseases, brain diseases and blood pressure, etc.

The most painful disease in the elderly is inflammation of the prostate gland. It is one of the most common and only menopausal diseases of the modern age. It is found equally in every region of the world, usually after the age of 50. People who are careless and careless about their health. They are at risk of contracting the disease after 40 years. It is also considered painful because it is a disease of the elderly and weak people, while weak people are already degenerating, weakened immune system. When they fall, they are less able to fight diseases.

Causes of premenstrual syndrome

This gland is found in the mouth of the bladder and the urethra passes through it. When this gland grows, there is pressure on the urethra which obstructs the flow of urine. The main reason is the gradual decrease in the production of male hormones which occurs with age. Microscopic analysis shows that the cells inside the prostate gland increase in size, and the fibers of the glands The structure of the muscular tissue also increases. As the adenoma grows, the structure of the urethra changes, leading to obstruction and narrowing of the urethra. Urinary incontinence causes the bladder to become full, affecting the bladder and kidneys.

According to ancient medicine, the causes of inflammation of the adrenal glands include colds in the elderly, retention of urine for a long time, indigestion, acidity, evaporation, constipation and severe attacks of some fevers. Inflammation of the adrenal glands is on the rise. People who are very sexually abusive can be nurtured by this problem.


Severe urinary obstruction is caused by sudden enlargement of the glands. This is due to infection and inflammation of the glands. The patient needs urine but is unable to pass it. The bladder is filled with urine and there is severe constriction. And there is severe pain. Usually there is a mixture of blood in the urine. Two aspects should be considered in the symptoms of inflammation of the adrenal glands. First: The patient has a strong need to urinate but when he starts urinating, the urine does not come out and he has to wait for the urine to come out. The urination is also very weak. Second: The patient needs to urinate frequently. Frequent urination occurs frequently. Sometimes the interval between urination is only five or ten minutes.


Symptoms are very important in the diagnosis of this disease and the physician can diagnose only by considering the symptoms. Urinary incontinence is the most common way to diagnose a prostate infection, but sometimes this symptom is not considered enough or does not reflect the full nature of the disease. However, modern inventions of the diagnostic system, ultrasonography and cystoscopy can be of great help in diagnosing this disease. In addition, an anal examination can be helpful in diagnosis. If further diagnosis is required, bone scan, X-ray, LFT, etc. test will make the diagnosis easier.

 Naturopathic treatment premenstrual syndrome

Ancient medicine provides a complete, healing and successful treatment of adenoid glandular inflammation and naturally prevent Inflammation of the Prostate Gland. For instant relief, boiling cassava flowers in water and tapping them externally provides immediate relief. In the same way, boiling tobacco in water and tying it semi-warm also gives immediate relief from pain. Sift purple flower 5 grams, badian 5 grams, root cassava 5 grams, dried mako 5 grams, seeds kartam 5 grams, khatmi 5 grams and manqi 9 pieces in one pound of water. Twice a day, use four tablespoons of Buzoori syrup. Finely grind the samaq grain and mix it with homogenous Egyptian and give a dose of 5 grams to the mouth. It also reduces the severity of the disease.

Modern treatment

In modern medicine, alpha-blocker drugs are given to reduce the size of the glands. There are also side effects, such as high blood pressure and dizziness. The best and easiest solution in modern medicine is TUR. It removes the urinary obstruction immediately. This operation is usually considered as a small operation which helps the patient to recover quickly but the disease attacks again. In any case, there is a possibility of overeating. Keep in mind that if the disease is neglected, the disease can intensify and enter the stages of cancer. Should be given so that any dangerous situation can be avoided later.


During the disease, the patient should be completely relaxed. He should refrain from physical movements and abstinence. He should also refrain from paying the stipend of the spouse. Eggplants, fats, sweets, sour and greasy foods should be avoided altogether. Urinary beverages, fruit juices, etc. should be used frequently. Avoid prescriptions to enjoy certain moments. Avoid amateur formulas to increase strength. Avoid poultry and fried foods. Follow the principles of hygiene and take regular morning walks. We say with confidence that you will be safe from this painful disease

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Disadvantages of tea that are affecting your health

Disadvantages of tea

Are you aware of the disadvantages of tea?

Today's man is at the height of his evolutionary stages, he has been brought up with innumerable conveniences as well as innumerable difficulties with scientific and mechanical inventions.

Materially, of course, man has won many battles of success, but spiritually and physically, he has become entangled in many serious confusions. He is getting entangled in more and more deadly diseases while overcoming insidious diseases. These deadly diseases are the result of man's own efforts and discoveries.

Tea is a well-known invention of the nineteenth century and was initially used as a medicine but later business-minded people introduced it as a consumer product and encouraged people to drink it. Effective print and electronic media The advertising campaign has made tea a must-have for everyone in the house. This drink is the cause of such disorders which makes today's man very anxious. Tea is a poison of the advanced age from which only a few lucky ones will be safe.

Every day millions of people drink these unhealthy drinks worth millions of crores of rupees and are further aggravating their health. We are also the perfect double standard people who first buy the disease and then spend the money to get rid of it. And it is a bitter truth that thousands of people sacrifice it every day. We firmly believe that if only tea were to be removed from the world, man would be more than 50% safe from the dangers of the disease.

Tea is a common substance. It has a hot and dry taste in terms of its medicinal properties. It quenches thirst and is a diuretic. It not only raises blood pressure but also causes high blood pressure. It prevents calcium from becoming part of the body. It interferes with the production of RNA and DNA. It causes diabetes, cancer, and kidney disease.

Disadvantages of tea

Here are some disadvantages of tea which are given as below:

  • Excessive consumption of tea causes the body to produce a large amount of acid, which later becomes a source of acidic substances and increases the production of uric acid in the body. Thus, people addicted to tea get caught in parasitic diseases like gout, arthritis and joint pain.
  • Tea excretes water from the body due to its diuretic properties, resulting in loss of the required amount of water in the human body. Occurs, causing the blood to thicken. Due to blood clots, the blood vessels become narrow and thus circulatory disorders begin to appear.
  • The function of the kidneys begins to be affected. The amount of cholesterol in the blood begins to increase. As a result, heart attack, angina, Kidney failure is a risk factor for high blood pressure and high blood sugar.
  • Excess caffeine in tea causes bone weakness and excessive consumption of tea in children affects their physical growth and development. As a result, short stature is rare. 
  • Nerves begin to weaken. Tea drinkers gradually suffer from chronic constipation and many other diseases like stomach, liver, and kidney diseases. 
  • In addition, people who are addicted to drinking tea often suffer from insomnia and anxiety. Yes, depression and anxiety lead to indigestion. The most dangerous diseases of the present age are depression, anxiety, and unconscious fear, which affect one in four people. The biggest cause of these diseases is the excessive consumption of tea.

How to quit the habit of drinking tea

Here are some tips to help you quit the habit of drinking tea. People who consume a lot of tea should change their daily tea drinking routine and gradually reduce the amount of tea. Readers should note that drinking half a cup of tea in 24 hours is not taboo, because the human body needs a certain amount of caffeine that can be obtained from a cup of tea.

When getting rid of the tea habit, it is important to balance your diet to avoid the side effects of caffeine. Nuts, oils and nutrients should be used in the diet more than usual. Seasonal fruits and pure milk. Make it an integral part of your daily diet.

Finely grind 

  • almond kernel 50 grams
  • walnut kernel 50 grams
  • pistachio kernel 50 grams
  • kernel chalgoza 50 grams
  • almond kernel 50 grams
  •  Egyptian jug 150 grams

 and mix it with a spoonful of milk in the morning and evening to get rid of nervous weakness and physical fatigue. Grind Naguri and cook it well in up to 2 grams of milk and drink it to get rid of all kinds of physical pains. Physical weakness is also relieved. In the same way, mixing a teaspoon of honey in milk and drinking it also makes the body active and energetic immediately. Deficiency in the nerves loosens, fatigue prevails in the body, boredom and restlessness begin to develop in the body.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Possible reasons of why relationships break up

Possible reasons of why relationships break up

Reasons to break up a relationship 

"Nothing in the world is as painful as rejecting the person you want." Relationships are human needs. The hopes, dreams and feelings associated with them mean a lot. Anyone who builds a relationship with good intentions spends all their energies watching the relationship flourish.

It is a natural thing that when a relationship is formed, expectations are also attached to the person in front of you and if there is even an iota of disloyalty as a result of the relationship, it is not possible to maintain it. There are countless reasons for a relationship to break up, but not all of them necessarily lead to the breakup of a relationship, but sometimes even a small thing can be a blow in breaking the bonds.

Sometimes it is very difficult to make and break a relationship. But the sayings of the wise and a few admonitions in some places are capable of giving full guidance to man. Because in every one of his sayings wisdom is full of experience and observation.

Sometimes in life you come in contact with people who at first seem to be insanely attached to you or in a relationship, but gradually their passion begins to settle like the foam of the sea. One wise man said in this regard, "Never belittle yourself for someone who leaves someone for you, because today he can leave someone for you, tomorrow he can leave you for someone else." ۔ ''

But it is also true that man believes and to do so is his human weakness. Without trust, this society will be destroyed in a matter of days and relationships are not formed by thinking with the mind, but these are decisions of the heart. The nature of the relationship can be different such as friendship, kinship, intimacy or even marriage.

Every relationship has certain requirements and if they are not met properly, the end of the relationship is the end. Below we are going to mention the reasons that cause the relationship to break up. Here are some tips to help you get a divorce, especially when you're married. You also know


Believe it or not, one of the biggest reasons for a relationship to end is infidelity. To understand infidelity, it is first necessary to know what it is. Infidelity is actually the name of turning away from an agreement made by two people together.

Take the example of marriage. Two people measure each other's joys and sorrows, laughter, joy and sorrow. Now, if one party leaves his partner and turns to another, it falls into the category of infidelity. A survey has revealed that the main reason for the breakdown of marriages is the infidelity or illicit relationship of the spouse. When one of the two people violates the sanctity of the relationship, the wall of trust and confidence is awakened.


Too much of everything hurts. Although love between husband and wife is very important and there is no abomination in its intensity, but excessive desire can be harmful. An article published in the International Relations and Group Process states that couples who show excessive attachment tend to have a shorter age than those who show less desire. Those who are overly sensitive and attentive want to see the other person molded into their own mold, and because each person has their own individual status and personality, such a coercive relationship does not last long. It is important to accept each individual as his or her own. Give yourself time and try to make a positive change, but picking up a stick and following someone can make that person run away from you. Proximity is not possible.


You have often seen people secretly or openly compare their life and partner, but did you know that the worst and most painful situation is when you are being compared to someone else. Try to believe that you are inferior to such and such a person. Married couples often make this serious mistake, which can have serious consequences. Experts say that competition is the enemy of your happiness. Because in doing so you forget the beauty of your relationship and humble yourself in trying to be like the other. It's safe to say that finding someone else's personality is important in recognizing that your partner is as important as he or she is.


By compromise, if you mean to agree to one of the other parties, then it is quite wrong. Compromise in a healthy relationship means that you have accepted your partner with all his strengths and weaknesses. Showing control over each other at every moment leaves the foundations of the relationship hollow. Although it is true that some believe in themselves and some believe in others. But there is no rule where bowing down is avoided. Doing so does not lead to any resurrection.


Sometimes a person's heart wants someone to understand the condition of his heart without understanding it. But it doesn't have to be this way, or it doesn't have to be this wayIt happens that is supposed to happen, but in the real world it happens very rarely. It is very important for human beings to express their emotions. Sometimes in a relationship one person sees warmth in the expression of emotions while the other is very cold which can be a big reason for separation.

If the two are not emotionally on the same line, it can hurt the nuances of the relationship. According to a researcher who specializes in marriage, unevenness in emotional relationships can affect the divorce rate by up to 80%. It's not a big deal, but it's a matter of how the two sides deal. Counseling can also be used to help.


Research published in the journal Psychology has shown that the people you love the most are the ones who get the most anger, the main reason being that you encounter them a lot. But sadly, anger is extremely damaging to relationships and relationships as well as to individuals. Unnecessary expressions of anger also cause your loved ones to distance themselves from you. If the husband and wife start talking and cursing each other, it not only spoils the home environment but also causes mental and physical pain. Anger is also forbidden by Islam for the same reasons so that it consumes the intellect. Many divorces are the result of anger.


The past belongs to every human being. Looking at the past, a good past is considered a guarantee of a good future, but have you ever wondered how the past is formed? The Past is actually a film of our present. People who live in the past also lose their future. A good marriage requires that you bury your past and live your life to the fullest. The past has passed and trying to bring back what has passed is futile.


Believing in someone is not as easy as people think. In terms of belief and credibility, it comes with great difficulty and when it comes, man surrenders himself to the one in front of him. In the same way, it is not possible for a person who has to spend his whole life to reach the goal of happiness if he does not believe in it. In many cases, the biggest and most compelling reason for a breakup is uncertainty about your spouse. If you are constantly trusting someone and he is constantly playing with you, know that person is not trustworthy and this relationship will not last long.

Bad habits 

It is often not known before marriage what bad habits the person in front of you has. In many places it was observed that the marriage did not take place because it was later found out that he was addicted to drugs, drank alcohol or chose infamous places to make his evenings colorful. To avoid such a situation, it is important to look before the wedding to see what the friends and environment are like where to get up and sit down.


Keeping secrets is certainly not an easy task. It's hard to hide a secret, especially in a long-term relationship. If your spouse hides something from you over and over again, you should talk openly once things get worse before it gets worse. Privacy is very important. Now, if either of them describes them to others, it is not only morally bad, but it also violates the sanctity of the relationship as well as hollows it out and sometimes leads to divorce.


Some people think that marriage should be done only when you are able to take responsibility for it. But it must be both passionate and courageous to accept responsibility. It is important to accept responsibility if something goes wrong, otherwise it is impossible for your relationship to go further when you keep blaming the other. Husbands and wives are like two wheels of a car. And if one of the two loads is put aside, being unbalanced can lead to a serious car accident. It is beneficial to avoid irresponsible behavior in your domestic affairs.


Man needs some kind of sympathy at every moment of life to understand him and with whom he can share his sorrows. Spouses can also find empathy in each other. And it is essential for the survival of a balanced relationship. For example, if your spouse is in financial trouble and you are constantly demanding that he or she not be in a position to do so at the moment, can you expect the person in front to treat you well? Will be able to He will soon get tired of you and be forced to think that the journey of life cannot pass with someone who is not sympathetic and does not understand me. In difficult situations, such compassion cannot be less than a divine blessing that understands man and strengthens him.


Narcissism is a mental illness in which a person falls in love with you to such an extent that he does not feel anything in front of him. It is very difficult for such people to live a happy married life and that is why the relationship breaks down. Such people cause pain not only for themselves but also for others. Apart from marriage, they do not prove to be very good in terms of friendship and social relations.


Respect is the most important thing in a relationship. If there is any connectionBetter a poor horse than no horse at all. If one partner does not respect the other and disrespects him, then he does harm that is irreparable. After a while, the relationship ends and it is said that life passes without love but respect. Without it, whether it's a matter of likes and dislikes or an ideological disrespect for the other party, it can be a big reason to break up.


Your financial distrust of your spouse can also damage the relationship. Often one party is accustomed to return more money, which makes it unreliable. A study published by the University of Birmingham found that husbands whose wives spend extravagantly do not have a happy marriage and are more likely to get divorced.


Relationship is about giving something and giving something. If you start receiving more than you give, the balance will not be maintained. If you are selfish in your relationship, your spouse may be attracted to someone else and this is definitely a sign of separation.

Thank you

Ingratitude is a big problem for human beings. An ungrateful person never has a real way to live. You have often seen people around you who seem to be ungrateful despite God's blessings. It is very difficult for such people to have a good relationship. Because they have a habit of being ungrateful. If your spouse works hard for you, earns money or tries to run the house well, thank him or her. Not with words but with his money so that he feels happy.

Don't forgive

Those who do not forgive in life and those who do not move forward are always in pain. People who do not forgive those who make mistakes in relationships continue to grieve themselves and increase remorse for the other person as well. Man is prone to mistakes and mistakes are made. If anyone is ashamed, forgive him and move on. Husbands and wives who do not forgive each other's mistakes do their part to separate themselves and each other.

Extraordinary expectations

Most relationships don't work out because we have unrealistic expectations of the person in front of us. No one can tell you the state of your heart, no one can surprise you all the time. He may not know what is going on in your mind. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Think of your fellow travelers as human beings and do not associate them with expectations that are beyond the reach of any human being, otherwise life can become a torment.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Benefits of garlic in health and life

Benefits of garlic in health and life

By the way, garlic is used in most of foods in all over the world but do you know its benefits?

Of course, most people are not aware of the many benefits of this herb-like vegetable, such as its unexpected medical benefits, beauty and home remedies.

16 Best benefits of Garlic in daily life

If you are one of these people then these are some of the amazing benefits of garlic that may come in handy at some point.

Get rid of toothache

Needless to say how painful a toothache is, if you don't have time to go to the doctor right away to get rid of this ailment, you can get help from garlic, garlic is capable of hearing. Yes, you just need to rub the garlic on the affected tooth, which greatly reduces the pain, and gives you time to go to the doctor.

Grow hair

Garlic can eliminate the problem of hair loss due to its high content of allicin, a sulfur compound also found in onions and is effective in preventing hair loss, according to a medical study. Is. Chop the garlic and rub it on the scalp. You can also get this benefit through massage by adding garlic in the oil.

Helps to lower blood pressure

If you suffer from high blood pressure, make garlic a part of your diet, it reduces the tension by dilating the arteries, along with having headaches with high blood pressure, it also increases the burden on the heart which causes heart attack. The risk of seizures and strokes increases. One study found that eating 4 cloves of garlic a day lowers blood pressure levels, while eating garlic also lowers the level of cholesterol, which is harmful to health, thus reducing the risk of heart disease or stroke. Is.

Better memory

Aging also increases the age of the brain due to chemical oxidative reactions caused by food and oxygen consumption. This process produces physical energy but damages the cells while over time the skin begins to shrink and memory Weakened, but garlic has a magical property of protecting the brain from the effects of age, and eating it in middle age reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease, improves memory in young people and increases brain performance.

Increased stamina

The use of garlic makes the heart and muscles work more efficiently. If you like to play sports, it increases performance. Garlic reduces physical fatigue and helps people to exercise even in cold weather.

Eliminate nail pimples

While this is not a major ingredient in acne treatments, garlic is one of the most effective natural remedies for acne. If the antioxidants in it kill the bacteria, rubbing garlic cloves on the pimples can be effective.

Preventing the common cold

Being rich in antioxidants, the inclusion of garlic in your diet benefits the body's immune system. If you have a cold, drink garlic tea to strengthen your heart. To make it, grind garlic and boil it in water for a few minutes, then strain it and drink it. You can also add a little honey or ginger to improve the taste.

Also useful for ear infections

Antibiotics are usually used for ear infections, but garlic can also be effective, especially for children who are very young. To do this, grind garlic and extract oil, heat it slightly and drip a few drops in the affected ear.

Fix car windshield cracks

Did you know that garlic can also have a magical effect on the car? Take a piece and cut it in half, then rub the windshield crack on the cut side of the garlic, then wipe the juice off with a cloth. Of course this is not a permanent solution but this tip can prevent it from getting worse and give you time to repair.

Control the weight

Garlic can help control body weight. According to a study, a diet rich in garlic reduces fat storage and weight. To take advantage of this, try to include garlic in your daily diet.

Remove the wood fibers stuck in the feet or body

Place a clove of garlic over the affected area and cover it with a bandage or tape. If you have a sore foot, take off your socks and rest overnight and remove them in the morning. The pain and swelling will go away along with the hanging.

Repel mosquitoes

Scientists are not sure why this happens, but it seems that mosquitoes do not like garlic. One study found that people who applied garlic paste to their hands and feet were less afraid of mosquitoes. For this, you can mix garlic oil, petroleum gel and wax to make a solution which will prove to be a natural remedy against mosquitoes.

Get rid of sores on the lips

In severe cold, it is very common for the lips to crack or get sore. To treat this, apply crushed garlic on the affected area for some time. Its natural anti-inflammatory properties help reduce pain and inflammation.

Garlic also has natural glue

Have you ever considered cutting your fingers after chopping garlic?How do they stick? This natural beauty helps him to fix minor cracks in the glass. For this, grind garlic and rub its juice on the crack and clean the top and bottom.

Protect plants

If garden insects do not like garlic, use it to make a natural pesticide for which garlic, mineral oil, water and liquid soap are mixed together in a spray bottle and sprayed on plants.

Relief from itching

Garlic is full of anti-inflammatory ingredients so it can also provide relief from sudden itching. Apply some amount of garlic oil on the affected area and the itching will disappear.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

How to spend a holiday?

How to spend a holiday?

Best practices to do to spend a holiday

To stay calm, you need to make yourself feel calm. In fact, this is a really difficult task, many people seem to be living a quiet life, but behind the scenes, they do not feel peace of mind, which creates problems for them.

In today's world where life is so busy, one does not even bother to make time for oneself. In everyday life, after work and employment, a person becomes so tired that he cannot find time for himself or enjoy leisure opportunities.

To get rid of stress and anxiety, it is important to spend at least one day a week that you can only enjoy. Sunday is one of the seven days of the week when you can relax and feel at ease. Make your holiday a happy one and enjoy your weekend with the following in mind.


 According to psychologists, the most effective way to reduce stress to a great extent is to write, write a biography, a fiction, a story, or a list of things to do on your weekend. What will happen if you do that? So doing so will let you know how much work you are doing and it will also satisfy your heart that you have done a lot of work and if you have a habit of writing a diary then you may be surprised to know that this habit There will be the peace of mind as well as a lack of empathy and if you have made a mistake you will have the opportunity to correct it by writing.


People usually prefer to sleep more on holidays but did you know that too much sleep can be dangerous to health. Because by doing so, you disturb the natural pain inside your body. According to psychologists, setting a specific sleep schedule is the key to your mental and physical health. Most of the time you may have noticed that if the time for sleep is over then you get tired of changing the bitterness but you do not get sleep and the next day all the time you are surrounded by strange helplessness and anxiety.

In fact, if the sleep system, which is naturally fitted in our body, does not function properly, then the inner human factory is disturbed.


If you start the day with exercise and a walk, then all the time there is a pleasant feeling. Walking and exercising without breakfast not only gives a feeling of freshness but also gives the skin a unique glow. If you also want to stay refreshed on your vacation, exercise, and get rid of stress and anxiety.


Throughout the week, people usually sit for work, which causes the body's machinery to jam. If you spend more than 8 hours sitting in front of the screen, take ten minutes each hour to get up and walk. If possible, repeat a few exercise steps. Research published in the journal Psychology has shown that taking at least five minutes of walking every hour not only improves your mood but also strengthens your mind to work faster. Otherwise, constant sitting affects mental and physical performance.


 Work all week and just follow the working principle and you get extremely bored. Make a good plan to make your weekends happy. Enjoy life Meet friends, arrange a party at home, a good Modi can be seen or choose a good literature if you are interested in reading stories and novels. The hobby of gardening can also be fulfilled.

Something more and unique

Under normal circumstances and days, we follow the same routine. We can spend the holiday in a special way and in this regard we can arrange an outing program or even a hotel. The goal is to get rid of the clutter you don't need.

Do your home-based work in the early morning

It often happens that you have to bring some office work with you at home like a project you are working on. In that case, getting up early can be beneficial. Set your alarm early in the morning. This will allow you to wake up in the morning and get the job done quickly and have the rest of the day well spent.

Play the game

 Holidays that are full of complexity are neither fun nor comfortable. Instead of sitting and playing for an hour, you should participate in sports yourself. Involve not only yourself but also your family members and make the moments pleasant with your family. According to the US Agency for International Development, adults should engage in some form of physical activity for 150 minutes, and the weekend is a good time to do so.

Wake up the baby inside

It is said that there is a child inside every human being, instead of you covering this child inside you with a veil of seriousness, let this child inside you play, hobbies that help you to keep fit. Adopt them And if you have children in your home, spend more time with them.


An arrangement in life is very important, it would be good if you set your priorities for your holiday according to this principle. An important step in this direction may be to compile a list on Friday night in which you can see your preferences step by step. You have to try a special dish or negotiate with an old friend. One of the benefits of doing this is that you will not waste your time and money on the wrong things. Because you have chosen your preferences.

Something different

During the days of the epidemic, many people began to suffer from depression due to constant home stays. One of the main reasons for this was that where the connection with the outside world was cut off, there were no opportunities to meet friends and even go for a walk. If you go cycling on your weekends or just walk, you will surely feel a new desire inside you. Plan a race with your friends or family members that will not only have a good time but also benefit your health.


We all know that time is a precious asset. It should be used with caution but it is important to know how you spend your time, especially to relax on holidays and go to parks and green places to have a good time and not only to the eyes. It feels but also refreshes the soul. Research has shown that walking for about ten minutes out of the natural environment reduces your fatigue. So take a walk in a park or forest with your loved ones and enjoy life.


Man does many things in life but it is not necessary to get reward for every work. Some people sit around expecting a reward from the world. This can lead to depression. In this regard, if you start rewarding yourself, you can be happy. Reward yourself for doing small things well. For example, if you have completed your project, as a reward, eat a good meal, get ready, go on a job fair with your family or plan a trip somewhere. Doing so will make you feel relieved of the tension and stress.

 Order the things

Arranging things means that your personality is also in disarray. Many people get used to it. Keeping things random can be confusing. Usually people get into this habit due to overwork and physical fatigue but there is a better day and time on holidays so arrange all your things in such a way. Thoroughly clean and organize everything from your bed to your closet. Get rid of clutter from different parts of your home. And if possible, changing the layout of the furniture will also give you a pleasant feeling.

Help others 

Man does many things in life for his own sake. But the requirement of humanity is that "human beings come to work in the world." Not only living for oneself but also helping others is one of the basic duties of human beings. Take a look around and you will see people waiting for help. The help is not necessarily financial, but you can help by helping them with something. Deals from the market can help bring salaf. Be helpful if you want inner or heartfelt happiness.

Eat the great meal

It is not possible to escape from the importance of food. In this regard, it is important to eat a good and balanced diet that provides physical energy. Many people can't make good food because of their job. They can prepare their own balanced diet on their holidays.