Hiccups are experienced by everyone, often as a result of a collision between the respiratory system and the diaphragm, and this happens to everyone.
Are hiccups deadly?
The answer to this question is that hiccups are harmless and go away in a matter of minutes, but if the duration is longer or more severe than usual, they are a sign of serious medical problems.
Kidney failure
If you have kidney disease and you don't know it, but often have hiccups, it may be a sign that your kidneys are getting worse, if these hiccups cause bone pain, abnormal breathing and muscle cramps. If I have a stretch, I should see a doctor immediately.
Acid reflux diseases
The obvious symptoms of acid reflux disease include heartburn, bitter taste in food and nausea, but it is also a fact that hiccups also point to it, if the hiccups do not subside and persist. So you should see a doctor.
Mental stress
Hiccups are a warning that you should take some time for yourself. According to a study, hiccups often occur when you are suffering from severe mental stress. Should communicate
Signs of cancer
Hiccups can also be a sign of some types of cancer, such as brain, gastrointestinal or lymph node cancer. If you have persistent hiccups and have it for more than 48 hours to a month, it could be a sign of cancer. However, experts say that this symptom is very rare in people with cancer.
Signs of pneumonia
According to a study, hiccups for a long time can be a sign of pneumonia, if it is accompanied by chest pain, chills, fever and suffocation, then it is pneumonia, because hiccups due to lung infection are common. Keep coming longer than
Early signs of stroke
According to a study by Ohio State University, hiccups can be an early sign of paralysis. If hiccups are accompanied by chest pain, it is an early sign of paralysis in women. The National Stroke Association in the United States reports nausea, mental confusion and physical weakness. At the same time, hiccups have been included in the symptoms of stroke that women may experience.
Heart attack
If the hiccups don't go away for several days, it could be a warning of a heart attack. According to one study, there is a link between hiccups and a heart attack, and this is due to the traditional symptoms of this deadly attack, such as sweating, weakness or chest pain.
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